5 Best Ways to Rewrite Content for More Traffic

July 29, 2020
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When rewriting content from an existing source, the goal is not only to rephrase and paraphrase but to also appeal to your target audience.

How can writers recreate viral content that gets more traffic than its source? 

Let’s go through the top 5 tips to consider:

1. Create catchy headlines

One of the best ways is to capture the reader’s attention using verifiable click baits to trigger their emotions, greed, envy, or lust. Still, to get the reader to click and read through your article, you should ensure that you deliver quality, truthful content. The reader needs to feel that the content backs up the headline. 

TimeLive Web Timesheet Premium Version (50 Users)

You can target topics people are deeply interested in to make your headline intriguing. News around the president, for instance, is sure to drive attention. 

Presidential news – Image Credit: freepik.com

2. Update and improve on the source content

Another way to get more traffic than the source content is to enhance it by, for instance, integrating social media plugins. This tactic would enable site visitors to share your content on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and others. 

You can pitch an email newsletter or an interesting post to your Twitter followers or create a link where visitors can share your article across their network. 

Link to Twitter – Image Credit: backlinko.com

You can also use new strategies, like adding keywords to videos because YouTube videos are transcribed automatically. These techniques will improve your site and content traffic because you will be riding on the latest ranking metrics.

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3. Transform the format of the content 

You can also convert the rewritten content from a blog post into a YouTube video, an ebook, an email course, or a podcast. This approach would enable your rewritten content to generate views not only from website visitors but also from video viewers.

You stand to gain many more views when you create online videos for your content and embed the links into your website.

4. Appeal to the target audience

When rewriting content, you should redesign the tone to pique the interest of influential people in a given niche. During a crisis, like the Covid-19 pandemic, some of the trending topics have been inflation, recession, and unemployment. Therefore, you can gain more traffic to your site if you rewrite content around influential topics like personal finance, health, or economics.

For example, you can look at the current performance of the dollar and rewrite older content by demonstrating how the currency has depreciated or appreciated over a given period.

USD 5-year performance: tradingeconomics.com

5. Present the information differently

Unlike spinning, which entails copying the source content and substituting words and phrases, you can focus on rewriting the original post’s major elements. For instance, you can use different third-party links, change the anchor text, and reword quoted words and phrases. 

The goal is to ensure that no sentence or paragraph is identical to the original article. This approach will gain your content more traffic than the source because readers are attracted to unique, authentic, and value-driven content.  

You can also add value to the source content by rewriting ideas from the top five or ten search results on Google, for a given keyword. This technique is effective in driving more traffic to your content because you create a piece so valuable that it would outrank the rest. 

For example, when you search for a keyword like ‘How to rewrite content for more traffic’, the top 4 searches on Google in 2023 are vappingo.com, intelliniconsultants.com, strivecalendar.com, and textcortex.com. You can compile the main ideas from these or more articles on the first page, transform them, and create better content.

Top 4 Google search results for ‘How to rewrite content for more traffic’


Remember to create content so it gets more traffic than its source; you need to consider many factors other than rephrasing and paraphrasing. While these tactics are effective in deriving original content, you should work on delivering unique posts to your target audience. 

Consider adding catchy headlines, updating and improving the blog with videos and keywords, and redesigning the tone to appeal to influential people. As you present the information differently, you can earn even more traffic if you rewrite content from the top articles in search results. 

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Author Profile

Victoria Munyi
Victoria Munyi
Victoria is a seasoned SEO content writer and copywriter with proven experience in creating unique, insightful, and engaging content for a wide range of audiences that ranks high on search engines.

She is also a personal finance coach who will help you manage your money better by reducing wastage and identifying opportunities to grow your income. Follow her on her social media pages where she talks about personal finance and business growth strategies.
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